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My Story

Debbie Ferree, CPLC, CPC

I'm Debbie and I have been a victim of Betrayal Trauma.


I grew up in a suburb of Chicago, adopted at five days old, I never really felt like I fit in, was accepted or truly loved. Having this background, some that was true and couldn't be changed, some was based on emotion, set me up for being taken advantage of by others who were not well intentioned.


At the age of sixteen, I experienced date rape, which led me down a path of promiscuity. I lost all sense of self worth and value.


Never really popular in high school, I ended up marrying at nineteen to an abusive alcoholic. Divorced at twenty, I then moved to Florida where I met my ex husband. He was all the things that seemed to be missing from my life....attentive, caring, giving, sensitive, honest.


We married when I was twenty-eight, he adopted my son whom I had when I was single, and we had four more children together. Though very busy with raising kids and homeschooling, something was off and I couldn't put my finger on it.


I met the Lord in my early thirties and believed if I did all the 'right things' that our marriage would work. After at least fifteen years of dedicated prayer, books and studies on marriage and conferences, nothing seemed to change.


At a last ditch effort intensive, I learned about his sex addiction and began the journey of growth and learning to set boundaries.


As a victim of childhood sexual abuse and being a partner, I can empathize with wherever you are in your own journey, from grieving, anger, sadness, feeling crazy, and being angry at God. It's normal and we've all been there as partners.


I would consider it an honor and privilege to walk with you toward healing






  • Certified Professional Life Coach, Christian Coach Institute

  • Certified Partner Coach, APSATS Trained using the Multi-Dimensional Trauma Model

  • Certified Peer Facilitator, A Door of Hope

  • Trained using ERCEM, Early Recovery Couples Empathy Model


Member in good standing of the International Coaching Federation (ICF)



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